"I have finally finished the course and wow! I can tell that you have poured your hearts into this. Not only is it beautifully organized, it's aesthetically pleasing and so warm and welcoming. You truly made an online course feel like an in-person course."

- Kaylen Roitsch

Camera Basics

We start from the very beginning, teaching you what your camera and lenses do (and don't do). You'll know the difference between JPEG and RAW, how to choose a quality SD card, and why your camera's built-in flash might actually be ruining your photos.

Camera Modes

Confused by the exposure triangle? We were, too! Our method of teaching won't have you diving straight into manual mode but we are confident we can have you mastering ISO, aperture, and shutter speed within a day... all by utilizing your camera's built-in presets.


Great camera don't make great photos... great photographers do! Whether you're on a Smartphone or the newest digital camera, you need to understand the rules of composition to create a beautiful image. We walk you through over 15 techniques to make your photos pop - whether you're shooting on an iPhone or a Leica.

Hi, we're Tove and Alli.

We believe that anyone with a camera can take control of their gear by joining The Camera Course because we break down complicated photography concepts into bite-sized pieces, empowering you to start shooting with intention.